The Age of Immediacy & the Screenshot

Erin Victoria
2 min readSep 26, 2018

Ahh, modern communications are tricky, aren’t they?

As more and more of us are besieged by the ability to run our own media empires from the sanctity of our smartphones, it can be so difficult to know what’s appropriate and what isn’t.

Except, it shouldn’t be.

Describing your staff as a ‘harem’, sharing your competitor’s latest announcement and sharing news from a highly dubious and controversial conspiracy site are all examples of judgement gone awry.

British Airways promotes trips to London…

The problem is, whether you’re a senior MP, high-ranking executive or newbie freelancer, gaffes of this nature and severity should be easily spotted and avoided.

What we’re seeing — more and more — are organisations who are missing a beat in terms of tone, voice and the general speed of the internet. Overwhelmingly, consumers, users and the general public expect to see communications channels that match up with the speed of the newscycle. That is to say, it’s no longer acceptable to take three to four days to come up with a statement as to why your Proctor saw fit to enter students’ properties unlawfully — you look like you’re on the back foot. Hell, you are on the back foot.

Winston Peters undertakes a search on Twitter: in the wrong box, whilst pressing publish.

I often describe the work we do as bridging the traditional gap; companies used to have communications, marketing, PR and fundraising experts. An ad-campaign could clearly be signed off and published — without thought as to what the immediate response might need to be if it’s struck a (clearly wrong) tone.

That’s not the world that we live in, anymore. Especially when a screen-shot lasts forever.

If you’re looking to get your Digital Strategy for 2019 sorted, now’s the time to sit down with our team for a workshop that takes you from A — Z, and ensures that not only do you have a clear offering to take forth online — but you’ve also upskilled your team to think more strategically about the content that they’re sharing.

For more information on the Narrative Digital Strategy Workshops, head to or contact Erin:



Erin Victoria

Boss Lady of @thenarrativeco | @EHFNewZealand Fellow | Māmā to Ted | Director & Board Member | Passionate about community, equality & access, at all levels.